A State of Trance 550 - London video report

Connect with ASOT:https://www.facebook.com/astateoftranceofficialhttp://www.youtube.com/asotrecordingsTrack Playing: Omnia & IRA -- The Fusionhttp://bit.ly/TheFusionBP On March 1st there was a worldwide event to never forget. Armin van Buuren celebrated the 550th episode of his A State of Trance radio show. For over 9 hours, millions of people tuned into the live broadcast from London's Ministry of Sound, which gathered 1600 passionate and outrageous clubbers and 6 of the world's best DJ's and talents. We have only one conclusion: the A State of Trance 550 Invasion has officially begun and is ready for more action! Check out the official video report by Dancefoundation.
Dance- Rave-Electronic
State, of, Trance, 550, London, video, report