Afrojack & Shermanology - Can't Stop Me [Official Video HD]

Published on iTunes: dj più importante del 2012 sarà molto probabilmente l'olandese Afrojack. Il suo nuovo singolo si chiama "Can't Stop Me", lo cantano gli Shermanology e si candida a diventare il primo tormentone dance dell'anno. In Italia il disco viene pubblicato da Time Records ( Una bomba house che non si dimentica!The brand new single by dutch dj star Afrojack is "Can't Stop Me", a house bomb sang by Shermanology! The track is released in Italy by Time Records ( and is ready to become the first dance anthem of 2012!
Pop Dance- Rave-Electronic House Ambient&Trance
Afrojack, Shermanology, Can't, Stop, Me, Official, Video, Teaser, Time, Records, Elecrtronic, Soon, Trailer, Girls, Bikini, Party, Rave, Preview, Music, Think, David, Guetta, YouTube, Media, Clips, Release, Hit, 2012, Summer, Spring, Spring (season), Dance