Núria Feliu i Mestres

(Barcelona, 1941) is a Catalan singer and actress,  and a well-known ambassador for the Catalan culture.


She was born on  September 21st , 1941 in the  Barcelonese  quarter of Sants.
Despite being known as a “universal Barcelonan”,
she proudly considers being born in Sants  an honour.
She began her career in the world of Arts as an actress.
She made her début as a singer in 1965, and she has always stood out for her recordings
of Catalan popular songs, boleros and duets.
She has also popularized North American standards of jazz and country music
with the remarkable aid of the pianist Tete Montoliu,
thus taking the Catalan language to these music styles for the first time ever.
She has also recorded well-known film soundtracks in Catalan.
One of her most important lyricists was Josep Maria Andreu i Forns,
and she has also been accompanied by the Catalan pianist Lucky Guri.
In 1976 she was awarded the Premi de Cultura Popular (Popular Culture Prize)
by the Spanish Ministry of Culture for her record Cançons d´Apel.les Mestres (Apel.les Mestres´Songs).
In 1979 she was also granted the Medalla del Cercle Català,
and the Creu de Sant Jordi in 1985; in 1990 she received
the Premi Sant Jordi de cinematografia (Sant Jordi Prize of cinematography)
from RNE (Spanish National Radio) and the SGAE Prize for her career.



Some albums by Núria Feliu are available worldwide thru

You can check the albums at the link below:

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