eurovision 2011 - Lena Meyer-Landrut - Taken By A Stranger (official music video)

Published - more videos, infos&pics on her website Lena represents Germany with her song "Taken By A Stranger" in the Eurovision Song Contest 2011 taking place in Duesseldorf, Germany, on May 14th. Watch the official music video of "Taken By A Stranger" from her new no. 1 album "Good News". After winning the Eurovision Song Contest 2010 in Oslo with her hit "Satellite" this is Lena´s second appearance at the contest.
Fun-Gags & Commercials
Lena, Lena Meyer-Landrut, Mayer-Landrut, Eurovision Song Contest, Grand Prix, ESC, ESC 2011, Taken by a Stranger, USFD, Unser Song für Deutschland, Düsseldorf 2011