Fila First Steps - Street Fighter: Beginnings End

My team and I just finished our first game to live action short, based off of the popular Capcom franchise: Street Fighter. Its always pained us not to see the movies focus on the two most iconic characters from the series so we thought wed pay tribute to the epic fighters that Capcom have created and make a small short film demonstrating some of their talents; all the while showing a take on Ken and Ryu at their dojo before Ryu enters the World Warrior Tournament for the first time (Street Fighter 1 Territory). The short consisted of a $400 (out of pocket) budget, was shot on the Canon EOS 7D, edited in Final Cut Pro and effects work done in Adobe After Effects. We hope you enjoy what we have put together! My dream is to make feature films that focus on video games/comics/anime and adapt them into a live action format. Im hoping this is a step in the right direction. **On a side note: We still can't believe the odds of another team releasing a Street Fighter Fan Film in the same week (let alone 24 hours!). But we can't wait to check out their film and we wish them the best of luck! We're fans first and foremost! If you haven't already, you should check out what these fans are doing as well, awesome stuff - Featured Tracks - Music Available on iTunes: Street Fighter IV (Orchestral)&Volcanic Rim Stage - Composer: Hideyuki Fukaswa OH! And also many many many nods to Andrew Kramer and the Video Co-Pilot team! You have no clue how beneficial you all have...
Fun-Gags & Commercials
Street, Fighter, Live, Action, Ken, Ryu, Beginnings, End, Fan, Film, Capcom, Thousand, Pounds, Chris, Cowan, Vonzell, Carter, Brendon, Huor, Shaun, Charney, Darren, Bailey, Tribute, Rival, Spar, Shoto