Gym Class Heroes - The Fighter ft. Ryan Tedder [OFFICIAL VIDEO]

© 2012 WMG. Gym Class Heroes' music video for 'The Fighter' featuring Ryan Tedder from the album, The Papercut Chronicles II - available now on Decaydance / Fueled By Ramen. Visit for more!Download it at by Marc Klasfeld & Nico SabenorioThank you to John Orozco, the Orozco family, United States Olympic Committee, USA Gymnastics and NBC.Help "Raise our Flag" by donating a stitch in the flag Team USA will take to the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games. Buy your stitch at See the video in 3D on June 23rd on Nintendo 3DS.LYRICS:Just waking up in the morningAnd to be well,Quite honest with ya,I ain't really sleep wellYa ever feel like your train of thought's been derailed?That's when you press on - Lee nailsHalf the population's just waitin to see me failYeah right, you're better off trying to freeze hellSome of us do it for the femalesAnd others do it for the retailBut I do it for the kids, life threw the towel in onEverytime you fall it's only making your chin strongAnd I'll be in your corner like mick, baby, til the endOr when you hear a song from that big ladyUntil the referee rings the bellUntil both your eyes start to swellUntil the crowd goes homeWhat we gonna do ya'll?Give em hell, turn their headsGonna live life til we're dead.Give me scars, give me painThen they'll say of me, say of me, say of meThere goes the fighter, there goes the fighterHere comes the fighterThat's what they'll say of me, say of me, say of me,This one's a fighterAnd if I can last thirty roundsThere's no reason you should ever have your head downSix foot five, two hundred and twenty poundsHailing from rock bottom, loserville, nothing townText book version of a kid going nowhere fastAnd now I'm yelling "kiss my ass"It's gonna take a couple right hooks, a few left jabsFor you to recognize you really ain't got it badUntil the referee rings the bellUntil both your eyes start to swellUntil the crowd goes homeWhat we gonna do ya'll?Give em hell, turn their headsGonna live life til we're dead.Give me scars, give me painThen they'll say of me, say of me, say of meThere goes the fighter, there goes the fighterHere comes the fighterThat's what they'll say of me, say of me, say of me,This one's a fighterEverybody put yo hands upWhat we gonna do ya'll?If you fall pick yourself up off the floor (get up)And when your bones can't take no more (c'mon)Just remember what you're here forCuz I know Imma damn sureGive em hell, turn their headsGonna live life til we're dead.Give me scars, give me painThen they'll say of me, say of me, say of meThere goes the fighter, there goes the fighterHere comes the fighterThat's what they'll say of me, say of me, say of me,This one's a fighter'Til the referee rings the bell'Til both ya eyes start to swell'Til the crowd goes home,What we gonna do kid?
Rock and Alternative Pop Best Rock Songs
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