Jar of Hearts - Christina Perri (Boyce Avenue & Tiffany Alvord acoustic cover) on iTunes

US/Can/Europe/Australia Tour 2011: http://BoyceAvenue.com/TouriTunes: http://iTunes.com/BoyceAvenueFor tour Meet & Greet VIP Packages click here:USA: http://packages.artistarena.com/boyceavenueUK: https://www.artistarena.uk.com/boyceavenueEU: https://www.artistarena.eu.com/boyceavenueMailing List (sign up for first ticket announcements and other updates)http://BoyceAvenue.com/MailingListAmazon: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Ddigital-music&field-keywords=boyce+avenue&x=0&y=0Alejandro Manzano and Tiffany Alvord's acoustic cover of Christina Perri's Jar of Hearts.Audio: Produced by Alejandro Manzano & Daniel ManzanoArrangement by Alejandro ManzanoRecorded & Engineered by Adam Barber
Mixed & Mastered by Adam Barber & Alejandro
 ManzanoVideo: Produced & Directed by Owen LeVelle & Boyce AvenueEditing & Coloring by Owen LeVelleBoyce Avenue:
http://Facebook.com/BoyceAvenuehttp://Twitter.com/BoyceAvenuehttp://YouTube.com/BoyceAvenue (Music Channel)
http://YouTube.com/BoyceAvenueExtras (Vlog Channel)http://BoyceAvenue.comTiffany Alvord:http://www.YouTube.com/TiffanyAlvordhttp://www.Facebook.com/OfficialTiffanyhttp://Twitter.com/OfficialTiffanyhttp://www.TiffanyAlvord.com/
Rock and Alternative
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