Just for Laughs TV - Best Of Just For Laughs Gags - Science Fiction Galore

http://gags.justforlaughs.com | Subscribe! http://goo.gl/wJxjGThe truth is out there! These pranks are out of this world! All the sci-fi you can shake a stick at, and then some. Beam me up because these might just be the droids you're looking for!This video will self-destruct in 10, 9, 8, 7, 6...- NASA Satellite Falls On Car- JFL Hidden Camera Gags: Flying Saucer - Crashed UFO Prank - Alien Autopsy Prank - Sputnik Crashed!A presentation of JustForLaughsTV, the official Just For Laughs Gags YouTube channel. Home of the funniest, greatest, most amazing, most hilarious, win filled, comedy galore, hidden camera pranks in the world!Visit our other channels:JUST KIDDING PRANKS: http://www.youtube.com/JustKiddingPranksHidden Camera Classics: http://www.youtube.com/ClassicHiddenCameraSocial Animal? Here are a few interesting links:Twitter: http://twitter.com/JFLGagsFacebook: http://facebook.com/jflgagsPuppies: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u6hAgaP066k
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