OK Go - Say The Same Thing

We made this game (ok, mostly it was Andy) because it's a game we frequently play on tour, and we wanted to be able to play it all the time. We hope you enjoy it. Download it for free:iPhone: http://bit.ly/saysameiphoneAndroid: http://bit.ly/saysameandroidFor more info visit: http://www.saythesamething.comAnd for a limited time you are able to play against a real live member of OK Go. So get downloading! Directed by Todd SullivanWritten by Brian Perkins and Todd SullivanDP Drew XanthopoulosMusic by Dan KonopkaA special thanks to Julie AlmendralA very special thanks to John H. MayerThanks to Matt and Dave and Satellite Studios; Kyle, Dan, and Brett and Subtractive; Keane Hung, Ellie Fenton, Mai Huynh, John Knudsen, Joel Sadler, and the Austin Bike Zoo.
Rock and Alternative