The Piano Guys - Steven Sharp Nelson - The Cello Song - Bach is back (with 7 more cellos)


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Bow Cam: Thanks to the GoPro camera we were able to get this shot, you can check them out here.. http://www.GoPro.comBe sure to watch for the bow throw around 2:35!Every sound you hear was created by Steve playing his acoustic cellos (with one exception -- a subtle "hi-hat" noise made by his voice).The Cello Song is based on one of the most recognizable classical pieces ever written, J.S. Bach's Unaccompanied Cello Suite No. 1: Prelude. (Hint: Say Bach's title with an English accent and it sounds a lot better). It's been featured in a lot of movies (and car commercials)...Steven Sharp Nelson decided that this piece needed some accompaniment (Bach must have been busy and never got around to it? :) Adding some original material and 7 more cello parts stacked on top of each other, Steve has created a cool new sound that embellishes all the features that have made Bach's work so popular. The 7 new parts include drawn-out melodies which soar above fast arpeggios, strumming chords from a guitar-like part, shaker sounds (accomplished by rubbing the sides of the cello), tremolo (1:08-1:24), and a cello-banging percussion part (complete with kick drum)."Bach was an amazing composer -- one of the best that ever lived. He wasn't the greatest with titles though (smile)... As a consequence, no one can ever remember his Cello Suite's when I'm asked to perform his piece people always say, 'hey, can you play that ... um ... that cello song?' And so in Bach's honor I name this adaptation of his amazing composition after what it has been naturally called for hundreds of years. Thanks for listening!" -Steven Sharp NelsonYou may know Steve from his work with the amazing Pianist Jon Schmidt on tunes such as "Michael Meets Mozart" and "Love Story Meets Viva La Vida." Please check out those videos and visit Jon Schmidt's site: www.jonschmidt.comIf you like this video SUBSCRIBE to THE PIANO GUYS -- without them this video would have remained a dream. They are super talented and super cool guys. THANK YOU PIANO GUYS!CREDITS:The Cello SongArrangement & Original Material by Steven Sharp NelsonPerformed by Steven Sharp Nelson (and seven of his clones)Based on J.S. Bach's Unaccompanied Cello Suite No. 1: PreludeProduced by Al van der Beek & Steven Sharp NelsonRecorded by Al van der Beek at ToyVan Media StudioCatering provided by FrancoisVideo Produced byPaul Anderson & Tel Stewart of The Piano Guys

Steven, Sharp, Nelson, Cello, Song, Bach, Unaccompanied, Suite, one, Prelude, soloist, commercial, master, commander, Jon, Schmidt, Yo, Ma, best, classical, music, solo, cool, eight, cellos, celli, orchestra, symphony, Sam, Tsui, kurthugoschneider, boyce, avenue, tyler, ward, alex, goot